European shared mobility sector had “blockbuster year” in 2021, report finds

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The European shared mobility sector grew by 76 per cent in 2021 year-over-year, according to fluctuo’s annual European Shared Mobility Index review.

Fluctuo’s analysis of rental bike, e-scooter, e-moped and car user trends across 16 key cities in Europe.

This is based on fluctuo’s analysis of rental bike, e-scooter, e-moped and car user trends across 16 key cities in Europe.

Ridership peaked in September 2021 with around 25 million trips in this month alone, while the combined fleet grew to a record 290,000 shared vehicles in November.

Even in the winter months, which is typically the weakest season for shared mobility, records were broken.

In Q4 of 2021, there were nine million extra trips than in the same period in 2020. In the same timeframe, ridership doubled in five of the 16 index markets.

Of the 16 monitored markets, Oslo, Paris and Barcelona were the top three markets respectively in terms of the total number of shared mobility trips (per capita). 

Barcelona took the top spot for bikeshare and moped sharing, while Oslo is the leader for e-scooter sharing. 

“After 12 months of cautious optimism, crushing lockdowns and soaring growth, Europe’s shared mobility sector has emerged triumphant from 2021,” said fluctuo.

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