British bicycle manufacturer Brompton has announced that its folding bikes are now available through the Cycle to Work scheme for the first time.
The move will reduce the monthly cost for a Brompton C Line or Brompton Electric C Line by up to 47%.
The UK Government’s Cycle to Work scheme is designed to help riders save money on a new work bike and spread the cost of the bike over monthly tax-free instalments through an employer.
Like with existing Cycle to Work schemes, the employer will pay for the subscription up front, with repayments from employees coming via a salary sacrifice arrangement.
As the payments come from the gross salary of the employee, they will save tax and national insurance on the subscription – making a saving of either 32%, 42% or 47%.
Julian Scriven, Managing Director of Brompton Subscription, told Zag Daily: “Subscription services across the board are becoming ever more popular – as people increasingly seek convenience, affordability and flexibility.
“We’ve seen a rise in subscription services for bikes – particularly in cities where storage can be a challenge. Making our subscription service available through the Cycle to Work Scheme widens access to our high quality bikes and e-bikes.”
Available across the UK, the all-inclusive package set up in partnership with the Green Commute Initiative, includes delivery of the bike, insurance and servicing every six months.
Brompton’s bikes can be easily folded down to be taken on public transport, tucked under a desk at work or in the corner at home.

Subscription Packages Available