Micromobility operator Voi ran a successful 24/7 service during the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham resulting in record ridership figures.
Voi’s team of on the ground ‘Fleet Generalists’ and ‘Fleet Specialists’ during the Games helped facilitate more than 66,000 journeys between 28 July and 8 August.
This prevented more than 26,000 unnecessary car journeys, according to the firm.
One of the company’s primary areas of focus was its five micromobility hubs that were set up outside the main sporting venues.
These were designated parking spots where bikes and e-scooters were made available for people wanting to travel to and from the Games.
Voi then set up a map alerting users to these venues and provided estimated travel times.

During the multi-sport event, the Fleet Generalists oversaw things like user compliance, assisted customers with any technical issues, and ensured scooters were parked legally and in the appropriate locations so that riders across the city could access them day and night.
Voi’s Fleet Specialists ran the operational aspects, including battery swaps, deploying vehicles in strategic locations and rebalancing vehicle numbers based on user demand.
“Our hardworking team on the ground ensured our scooters were in the right place at the right time day and night so tens of thousands of people could ride to the venues across the city, with the peace of mind that they would never miss the action,” Voi’s Operations Manager Michael Duc told Zag Daily.
But what was also key to achieving record usage, according to Duc, was Voi’s close ties with the council and Transport for West Midlands.
“Our success at the Games is testament to the close collaboration between Voi, Transport for West Midlands and Birmingham City Council in delivering a safe, reliable and convenient service for e-scooter riders,” said Duc.
“We were in constant communication for several months with our stakeholders as they provided us with designated walking routes where we then implemented no parking zones, and they told us when routes needed readjusting due to road closures. These closures were regularly communicated to riders before and during the Games.”
Voi was further aided by recent expansions which more than doubled the company’s operating area in Birmingham, as well as becoming a 24-hour, 7 days per week service before the Games.
These changes to the service allowed residents and spectators to hop on and travel across 80km2 of the city.
The event showed how people are willing to adopt micromobility when the right infrastructure is in place.